This morning we are getting ready for gymnstaics, no one wants to help mommy get ready, and we are fussy and crying! Char wouldnt get out of bed until the 15th time I asked her so she had to eat breakfast in the car, yum poptarts! we get to gymnastics, char gets her locker and takes off her shoes and coat and goes off to her class. Rylee had to stay with mommy and was P!SSED! all she wanted was to go with sister and do class too, but she's to small to be in sister's class, so I had to hold her to keep her from running onto the gym floor, for an hour, kicking and screaming......Thank god gymnastics is over, now the fight to get shoes and coats back on and buckled into the car.
We have errands! YAY! :( I decided to take the double stroller instead of a cart to walmart since RY refuses to sit in it. Get in the stroller walk around devils town (walmart) and my children are screaming and pitchin a fit (yep I was THAT mom today at the store) I finally get our stuff done at walmart, and as I'm walking out I mummble "I hate Walmart".
Now off to the mall for Lunch with NANA.......that its self is nuff said, but I will go into details :)
Char wants Chinese, ok so we Char and I will share a plate and Nana and RY will share a plate, good right! WRONG, Char wants her own plate and not share her food with that was a battle I choose not to fight.....fine whatever, have your own food. She eats 3 bites and is done, so I go to eat it and she freaks!
Finally we are done with lunch and I let them ride those little rides there, 3 of them, and they fight over who rides what, (most of them are double seats) so I said enough we are goin home....more fits, screaming, ect.....all i want to do is get in the car.....and I do, after fighting over who sits in which carseat, and the struggle of the this point both girls are screaming and what do i do? I blast the stereo....really I do! I just want 2 sec. of no screaming, no crying, no fighting....we get home and as soon as I walk into the door I smell DOG POOP! So i put the girls down for nap, open the bathroom door where we put toby when we leave, and he pooped all over the floor, walked in it jumped on the toilet, the counter, the bathtub....there is poop foot prints everywhere!
Can I just give up now? Can today please be over?
Nope its only 2:30! Gotta keep truckin, throw that smile back on and finish this horrible day!
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