
A Blessing in Disguse?

            So the past few month we have been working with PAT (Parents as Teachers) Its a program for the girls that track their development progress for their age group. Charleigh is above and beyond her age group and is really a witty little girl! She is very smart, and its too funny some of the things she has to say. Last week we had a meeting at our house with our Parent educator Mrs. Stacy. She used to be a teacher for 9 yrs at the catholic school here in Manhatta. Charleigh is at the point of being able to establish items that are similar or different and tell why. Mrs. Stacy showed Charleigh a pair of shoes, one pink and one blue. Mrs Stacy asked Charleigh "Are these the same or different" Charleigh said the same and she told Mrs. Stacy they were the same because they were shoes. Mrs. Stacy asked if she would wear them together as a pair and Char said no, because they didnt match. After that she showed Charleigh 2 blue shoes and asked the same series of questions, When Charleigh was asked "Well would you wear them together?" Charleigh said in a very matter of fact way "No, Im not a boy, Im a girl" It was too funny! I love that she is associating colors with gender and she is only 3!

           Now Rylee is a whole different story. As most of you know Rylee was premature, and very small, when she was a baby the doctor had told me that Rylee would be behind developmentaly of children born at full term. I had never told anyone, except a close friend, that even when I was pregnate I had a feeling in the back of my mind that there would be something wrong with Rylee, like something wrong with her development....when she was born early  I could still tell that she was going to be behind others.

           A couple months ago we did the screening with Mrs. Stacy to see where each girl was on the scale....story of my life! If you know me and my daughters they are very little girls, tall but skinny minnies! They were never on the scales for their weight and the doctors always questioned about their eating habbits, you know my kids eat like cows!  So I was excited to see just how smart Miss Charleigh was, and she was all the way at the top of the chart....but I of course already knew that :)

          I was aprehensive of Rylees test, she was right where she was supposed to be in Social/Emotional, Fine Motor and Gross Motor Development, but pretty behind in her Language and Communication Development. So much so that Mrs. Stacy had recommended a Speech Pathologist.  I feel horrible, like I have failed her. Why did I have to think she was going to be behind? Why did I let her get behind? Maybe if I didnt think like that when I was pregnate she would have been fine, Like her sister. I know Im not suppose to compare her and Charleigh but it is so hard they are on 2 different ends of the scale. This past week we went to dinner with a couple that has a daughter that is 1 month older than Rylee, She was talking so much, counting Items, making animal noises, pointing to animals and identifying them....none of which Rylee is even close to.

       I think that Mrs. Stacy was sent to us, not knowing that her daughter is Rylees age, was born just as Early as Rylee  & is at the same development as Rylee. She told me that it is crazy how much her and Rylee are a ike in there progress, coincidence I think not. I think Mrs. Stacy was sent to us, to help us with Rylee, and that we will help our girls together, I think Mrs. Stacy is a blessing in Diguese!

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