1. Lose another 3 lbs to help me achieve my 15 lbs in 90 days goal~ Lost a total of 4 3/4 lbs this month!
2. Have a camp-out in the living room with the girls over night! ~ We had 2 once when Chris was out of town for the night then again 2 weeks ago with Chris!
3. Complement at least 3 strangers a week- I was able to complement strangers, It was weird at first and I got mixed replies but most people told me I was sweet or that they were really happy someone noticed!
So this Months 3 In 30 goals:
1. Lose 7 lbs this month...This is to help me push myself a little harder each day!
2. Cut my mile down to 12 minutes.
3. Get some time to myself to just relax!
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