Here are my 3 for 30 for January:
1) Lose at least 5 lbs this month.~ I lost a total of 12 lbs, and a total of 10 inches!
2) Work out everyday except sunday (off day) ~ I was able to work out everyday..except the 3 days I was ill. So this is a success as well
3) Focus on myself and my family. This means less time on distractions like the computer or TV. ~ We have been turning off the T.V. and computer after 11am, and turning on music. This gets us up to have fun dancing, doing crafts or getting out of the house together. at 4 pm I let the girls watch a couple shows after nap to get the back up. I am only on the PC to blog or do homework. Success!!!
So with that said, I would have to say the first month of a new year was very successful. We have even planned a trip at the end of the summer, something I have been putting of for about a year.
February Goals~
1. Lose another 3 lbs to help me achieve my 15 lbs in 90 days goal
2. Have a camp-out in the living room with the girls over night!
3. Complement at least 3 strangers a week (I like the goal because a complement is always nice to get but when it comes from a complete stranger it seems to have more effect)
See you all next month~
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