
Busy, Busy Bee!

It has been so long since my last post, we have been so busy in the last few months! Most recently I have been consumed with Preschool, college and the sale of our home and the purchase of a new home. On top of that two crazy little girls that need constant activity to keep the busy and from fighting with one another.

We started summer school at preschool 2 weeks ago, we are in school mon-thurs. and then we have fridays off. On top of that I have started another round of college courses to finish out my Preschool Education degree. Not only have I been juggling teaching summer school and my own homework, I have also been preparing for the upcoming school year. For those of you that know me know that I like to be organized and have a plan, so I have been planning my heart out for my new classroom and the kiddos that will be in my class next year. However, I haven't even touched lesson plans! I have been hand making some decor for my room, the Forest Room, and crocheting our class pets. I have also made a little camp fire for our room's reading area and I have so much more that I am wanting to make so that my students will feel excited to be in class and comfortable! Aesthetics is so important to me!  I want it to look like a great classroom and in a sense it is a reflection of me and my teaching.

The girls also started soccer 2 weeks ago (June has been so crazy!) They have practice 2 nights a week and they have been doing so good. I am so proud of Rylee. She has had a few meltdowns at practice but she has faced her fears, and gone back out on the field and finished practices. She has become quite the little girl and their is never a dull moment around her....nor a peaceful one!

2 nights ago we went out to Milford to see my in-laws and Aunts and uncles and they had rented a boat where they were camping. We went out for about 2 1/2 hours and the girls went tubing for the first time! I was sure that they would chicken out but Charleigh jumped out on that tube and owned it! She did a great job and had so much fun that Rylee decided she could not let Charleigh have all the praise and glory of being brave and having fun that she jumped out next. I was pretty positive that she would get out there and start crying. However, she rode like she had been doing it for years. They went another time together and then once more apart. After tubing we went back to the cabin and went fishing. Both girls caught 3-4 fish each in about 30 minutes. The short time we were out there reminded me of all the times we would camp and all the memories we made as children. I hope that we can go out more this summer, its just so hard with summer being Chris' busiest season.

I have about 2 1/2 weeks until my 5k in Kansas City. I am very excited and also very nervous! After the 5k we start the second session of our summer school after the 4th of July, then I leave to go to Dallas for Summer Splash Conference with Frog Street! I am beyond excited for the curriculum conference and for all that I will take away and implement in my teaching! Its a busy summer, but also a great one!
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